

Typical Damage/Nuisance Caused:

Raised tunnels and/or mounds of dirt piled up in yard, gardens and sidewalks under-mined.

Quick Facts:

Average 6-8 inches in length and 3-6 ounces in weight once fully grown. Short silky gray fur with occasional color variation on belly, pointed nose / face, short tail, long claws.

Moles breed in the later part of winter, have a 4-6 week gestation period, give birth in early spring, and have 2-6 offspring (luckily in the north they only have one litter a year!)


We guarantee if you have moles in your yard we can catch them!

There is no permanent solution to having moles in your yard or property! However, Molemen Inc. provides season-long trapping coverage for moles, which allows us to manage their numbers and the amount of damage caused to your yard. Once we have trapped the moles in your yard, we then manage any new moles coming in throughout the season.

Trapping moles is the ONLY real proven method of controlling moles!

Poisons, sonic noise machines, killing your lawn grubs, juicy fruit gum (any flavor of gum for that matter), human hair, castor oil, broken glass, etc. have little if any affect on moles.

How do we know these methods don't work? These are some of the ways our customers have attempted to regulate their mole populations. Once they discovered the ineffectiveness of these methods, they called the Molemen!

Michigan residents deal with two types of moles, the Eastern Mole (Scalopus aquaticus) and the Star-Nosed Mole (Condylura cristata). Of these, the majority are the Eastern Mole (shown above).

In most Michigan yards, the average city-sized lot has 1-3 moles living in it. An acre has an average of 3-7 moles. We have found these averages to be very accurate, however, this does not take into account how many moles are in the surrounding properties and how many may move in throughout the season. For example, if you have a small yard, but are surrounded by woods, you may have more moles come and go through the year than if you backed up to a parking lot.

Moles do not hibernate, they go below the frost line and feed during the winter.

Moles are insectivores and are not rodents, their number one food source is the earth worm. However, they will eat ants, grubs, centipedes and other ground dwelling insects.

Fun Facts: Moles can dig around 18 feet per hour through solid earth, eat 45-50 lbs of worms & insects per year, and have a super amount of red-blood cells that hold oxygen to allow them to live underground!
